點點遊人歸客來 Crowd Gathering of Dots

點點遊人歸客來 Crowd Gathering of Dots

時尚家居 House Style 2021-09-15 14:11

資料提供|構築設計 聯合治作(台北市02-27063022、桃園市 03-4573087、台中市04-23286711)


This work aims to express the flow and spatial tension between the cells of the group, using the black glazed cells on the handmade ceramic spheres to translate the difference, but tourists who come to the smoke wave because they long for the warmth of their stay. With the handmade bronze and gold delicate feet holding up the ceramic sphere, the light projection presents a rich and three-dimensional light and shadow changes, gathering on the main wall leading their of visitors.



A journey is a rhythm of life, which to some extent must be suspended from the reality of life, just like a migrating bird that changes with the seasons. This work aims to express the flow and spatial tension between the cells of the group, using the black glazed cells on the handmade ceramic spheres to translate the different, but different, tourists who come to the smoke wave because they long for the warmth of their stay. With the specially made bronze and gold delicate feet holding up the ceramic sphere, the light projection presents a rich and three-dimensional light and shadow changes, gathering on the main wall of the meeting area, leading thousands of visitors.

Lake Shore Hotel in Tainan, where the local customs are friendly and mild, is the station that makes travelers feel a sense of belonging. We choose to make the ceramic balls by hand, because hand-made, so every point is different and organic. Because it is made by hand, the artwork has temperature. The surface is covered with a glossy black glaze, reflecting each visitor's own. This installation art piece, Crowd gathering of dots, is full of strong emotions and strength, it creates a natural and beautiful visual experience for travelers. No matter what the purpose of the traveler is, they can find their spot here in this hotel.

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