明亮活潑 優雅躍動的工作空間 A Brilliant, Energetic, Elegant, & Vivid Office

明亮活潑 優雅躍動的工作空間 A Brilliant, Energetic, Elegant, & Vivid Office

時尚家居 House Style 2021-09-13 10:14



Many years ago, those who had ever used the computer monitor shown the black background and green font color must be familiar with the sign ">>". As time passed, the computer language has been evolved from the binary code 0 & 1 into the dramatic changes in contemporary times. Visualizing the idea of decoration through the evolution of early computer desktop icons, and pairing up the geometric computer graphics of design of the mosaic style, the designer uses this creativity to not just create a pulsating, energetic decoration in the interior space but symbolize the owner's flourishing business, which the owner can offer more diversified game service to the consumers.





電腦符號圖像化  延伸現代感元素



A Spacious, Comfortable, and Stress-Relieving Office

The client of this project is a startup online game technology company, which is located on the higher floor of the Taipei 101 building. The company hopes that the operation of a flat organizational structure can motivate the startup team members to showcase their plentiful creative energy, let the imagination reign, and eventually create the top service. Relying mainly on maintaining the corporate vision and supplementing by the core spirit of setting up the long-term infinite happiness mainly, the startup group wishes to improve Taiwan's R&D manufacturing environment, introduce their delightful games into the domestic market, and finally set up their creative games onto the international stage. For the needs of office renovation, apart from the modern and energetic senses, the client desires to take better care of their teammates.

The project is a space with 200+ ping. Except for the reception area, manager's office, conference room, and rest area, the remaining space is the open, large-area workspace. As everyone knows that the IT employees sit for long periods, the design plan is to make the workspace be the most comfortable space that the working area of every partner is pretty large and equipped with the chair, desk, and cabinets.

As the site is on the higher floor of the Taipei 101 building, there is long and careful progress of safety review of the interior decoration, including the reviews by the city government and the building owner, Taipei 101. The high standard requirements of safety, materials, and fire safety plan are a huge challenge for the design team so they put a massive amount of effort and time into the design of this project.

The Evolution of Computer Desktop Icons &Embody the Modern Elements

The designer gets inspired by the mosaic graphics of turning on the computer in the old times & the binary code 0 & 1 so he uses the layered triangle pattern to embody a simple, bold, and modern look of the workspace through decorating the carpets and window stickers and coupling with the cube and geometric contours. The designer selects the design of the metal frame for the windows in the meeting room, plus the triangle-collage element of hot pink, blue and green tones, to echo the carpets that are accessorized with the herringbone pattern made by the design of color collage. The spatial magician also utilizes the lower color saturation & the shades and design of geometric graphics to make a fancy yet well-organized style. That clever decoration idea turns the office into a contemporary, energetic, fine taste, comfy and elegant style.

Outside the place with colorful and energetic decoration, there is a unique space for the employees, a customized, bright, and clean rest area. The designer uses the printing of black and white graffiti patterns for the making of walls and pairs up the grey background, wood-texture facades to create a vigorous sense. On the other hand, the spatial magician takes the lower color saturation to build a comfy space that all the staff can relieve stress and feel relaxed from the body to mind.

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