【艾美幸福設計 許捷甯】浸膩漫享輕思 暢遊舒心景色

【艾美幸福設計 許捷甯】浸膩漫享輕思 暢遊舒心景色

OPEN Design 2021-06-01 14:03


設計概念Design Concept

由年輕夫妻與寵物貓組成的三口之家,在滿足收納需求之餘,更希望能讓愛貓自在活動,艾美幸福設計 許捷甯 設計總監 經充分考量人、貓的生活型態後,結合智能科技應用,劃設雙方皆能自適共處的硬軟裝樣式,同時融入清新色系及柔和暖光,讓完善機能與舒緩的居家氛圍,成就活潑溫馨日常

A young couple and a pet cat establish a family of three. Besides meeting the storage demands, what more is to set up a smooth flow for the cat to move around freely. Amy Studio design director Amy Hsu take the living habits of people and cat into account, and then incorporate with the intelligent technology application; ingeniously configure a comfy and accommodating circumstance for the whole family. And apply the fresh color theme and gentle warm lighting to perfect the function. Ultimately, bring about a lively, cozy, and homey ambiance.

設計方法Design Techniques

寵物友善 智能家配
Pet-friendly Smart Home


In view to suffice the cats' habit of climbing and maneuvering around, set a cat flap on the bedroom door, a cat nest at the top of the TV wall in the living area, and a path on the metope that can freely tear down. Because the cat can't stand heat, therefore, exploit artificial stone of chill texture on the cabinet and the bed couch countertops. Furthermore, employ intelligent appliances that can automatically regulate the temperature and humidity. So, there's no need to worry about the cat's comfort and health even the homeowner is away from home.

動線寬敞 迎接暖陽
Capacious Bright Layout


In response to the homeowner's hospitable personality, meticulously pave noise-canceling comfort pads on the floor to void the crowds' footsteps disturbing the fur kids. Reset the two bedrooms' doors from the window side to the nearby living area, so that the site of the living area moves inward to introduce sunlight excellently, the passage of the public domain is also more spacious. As the result of the renovation, the bed of the master bedroom can place by the window; and the wardrobe perfectly beautifies the awkward corner, as well as to create a neat and founder pattern.

木質清新 舒緩視感
Natural Wooden Feature


Take advantage of system cabinet panel boards of timber grain to couple with the vary-shaped solid wooden furniture. The elegant and mild tone gently spread all over the space via the warm lighting. The winding cat path works in concert with the light bars that appeal to the vision in several directions. Even if there are a large number of stow cabinets, the space will not feel congested.

The foyer


The suspended shoe cabinet at the foyer with air-permeable feature at the bottom, the underneath space can place slippers and robot vacuum, and the recessed illumination makes the cabinet looks lightweight. Adhere two tawny mirrors of champagne-colored tone and warm effect to create the expanded vision. Moreover, the polygon shape echoes the living area fixed shelves for the cat to climb up and down freely. The setting brings the dynamic feature of the chic and simple design.

The dining area


A swivel table and chairs can store in the tableside cabinet to make smooth flow for the guests, and shape the side close to the door of beveled pattern to make the cabinet body not too squarely and bulky. The hanging cabinet above is composed of balmy timber and warm light bars, which for the homeowner display his fine wine collections. The decent-sized guardrail not only helps to show off but also prevents the collision from the fur kid.

The living area


Set up the ceiling of an arc-shaped pattern and laminate indirect light to embellish the structural girder. The setting delicately shows the gentle and tact personality of the home couples, in the meantime, guide the sight to the TV wall of unique stone texture successfully. There is a hostess favorite stylish finishing decoration on the metope behind the sofa. The striking blue-green and aureate tone harmoniously marries the light blue-gray wall and the earth-colored sofa while set off each other. The side table in front of the window also serves as an electrical apparatus cabinet. And the zebra shades excellently introduce the sunlight, where makes it a warm and cozy couch for the cat. The home couples prefer tasting wine and drinking coffee in the living area, happily enjoy unwind and comfy atmosphere of the company of three.

The master bedroom


The floor-ceiling headboard ingeniously settles the geomancy taboo of the pressure beam, also meets the storage demands. Inlaid a mirror inside the hanging cabinet above the dressing table. The transparent tabletop and checkered pattern drawer facilitate for the hostess to appreciate and pick her cherished jewelry while creating the see-through feature of the stable wooden fixture.




OPEN Design 動能開啟傳媒:http://www.openworld.tv/talk/

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